I just had to share this wonderful lampshade love story with you all!
This is the most touching, heart-warming, love story I have ever seen… about a lampshade!
It’s a beautifully created video by Lost Wax showing his tender restoration of an abandoned lampshade, restored to steampunk health!
I wasn’t planning to change the world that day but I think for one lampshade I did.
Lost Wax has created an easy to follow tutorial on how to make his steampunk lampshade:
*One Caveat: Remember That Paper Is Flammable, So Make Sure Your Lightbulb Is Far Enough Away From The Shade And Is Not Going To Make The Shade Too Hot And Burn Down Your House Or Something Nasty Like That!
You will need:
an old lamp shade
white glue (sometimes called PVA glue)
measuring cup
plastic tub
brown kraft paper
oil based wood stain
Mod Podge
rubber gloves
5 minute 2 part epoxy
Step 1: Clean up your lampshade so there are no frilly bits that are going to get in the way
Step 2: Mix 2 parts water to 1 part white glue, and put it in a plastic tub. I started off with 100ml of glue and 200 ml of water, but I had to make a second batch to be able to finish the job.
Step 3: Tear your brown paper into roundish shapes, about the size of your hand or smaller. Make a big pile of the torn paper.
To read more and complete your steampunk lampshade click here for the rest of the tutorial and many more fantastical creations and tutorials on his wonderful steampunk website and blog.
To buy your soft lampshade frame go here and browse Needcraft’s huge range of lampshade making materials.
Lampshade Love Story