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What are your business goals for 2016?

Upholsterer & lampshade maker Joanna Heptinstall shares her 2016 business goals…

What have you achieved in 2015 that you are proud of?

I am proud to have set up (and now run) a professional diploma course in upholstery. What started out as a fun way to share my skills, has become a major part of my working life. All that responsibility certainly keeps me focussed! I have also been asked to write a book about my lampshade making.

…That was a real confidence booster!

business goals

 What are your business goals for 2016?

My goals for this are to create kits of my favourite lampshades (watch this space!). During last year so many people asked me to do it, it seemed obvious. Work is already underway.

business goals

Here’s a teeny teaser…

What goal do you think everyone would benefit from achieving?

Focussing on their big idea  – whether it’s setting up a craft business or learning to use a sewing machine – coming up with a plan of action and then making it happen.


Do you dare to share your creative business goals with us?

Go on! Be brave.

It may even give you that boost you need to keep up your momentum and once you’ve shared your goals we would love to share your progress too- right here on our blog.

Contact us using the form below 🙂

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